Sunday, April 11, 2010

Someone told me It's all happening at the zoo.

we went to the zoo this weekend
It was "free zoo day" so we only had to pay for parking. That was 11 dollars. Otherwise its like 13 PER PERSON. and for a family of five, thats a huge expense.
So it was nice to get out and have a chance to do something before it gets too hot in this wisconsin weather and not have to pay an arm and leg!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Its a hard knock life....

Its hard being one. He has many jobs throughout the day including checking buckets for safety, life guarding "don't break the ice" for drowning victims, walking around with your blanket on your head to scare away the monster under your crib(or the cat)
and also playing in the washbasket that is now your boat, and making sure all the buttons on the tv in your brother and sisters room work.

Friday, April 2, 2010

And I hear your laugh like a serenade

This is my youngest Jax. He just turned one in December. Hes my happy, snuggly lovey dovey baby. Very much like his older brother, hes sweet and compassionate, easy going and independent. He's very tolerable of just about everything and is simply a joy to be around.

I'll have to say I love you in a song

This is my oldest Jace. He's 6 going on 30 I swear!
He's my serious yet fun loving oldest child. He's really into music, I call him my "human beat box" most days because hes either singing, humming, dancing or all of the above. He will watch shows and copy dance moves and songs and sing them on key. His whole world seemingly revolves around music and this also soothes him.
The title of this blog coincides with this song I heard after he was first born and in the NICU and this song always makes me think of him.

Well, I know it's kinda late, I hope I didn't wake you
What I gotta say can't wait, I know you'd understand
'Cause every time I tried to tell you, the words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you, in a song

My whole world begins and ends with you...

This is my middle child, Isabella. Shes new to the age of 3 and shes the child of a whole other world. My other two(boys) are calm and collected for the most part, easy to get along with and reasonable most times.
This middle child of mine is very lively, high spiritied, independent, hard headed, vocal on what she wants and DOESN'T want, a bit of the drama side lurks about every day. But she can, when and if she feels willing, be very loving and snuggly and sweet. This is just when and if she really feels the need to draw that side out. People would say "oh its the terrible twos" ..and I say "no she was born this way, shes a bit moody"...LOL!

Happy Birthday to my daughter who turned 3!

This is my now 3 YEAR OLD DAUGHER Isabella. Shes fun loving, highly spirited, rough housing fun filled middle child.